Thursday, July 30, 2015

We've got BIG news!

Hi friends!  Long time no talk!  I do have a little bit of an excuse... We found out in May that I'm pregnant!  And I've been sick as a dog ever since.  But we are so very excited! I'm starting to feel much better this week and have been able to do more "normal" tasks and activities the past couple days, which is such a relief.

I went to Disney World last week with my family - the Mister couldn't join because he had to work.  We agreed that we wouldn't share the big news until I was 12 weeks pregnant, and that milestone was last Monday.  Chris couldn't bear to keep the secret anymore, so he set up the adorable photo above all by himself to post on Facebook with the announcement.  He is seriously the cutest.

We're on the 13th week now! Our due date is February 1st, and I'm starting to feel like it's going to be here before we know it.

I'm already looking like a pregnant lady in some clothes, so it's a good thing we're able to share the news now!  Since I've been feeling better, I've started eating healthier again instead of just eating what sounds appetizing (thank goodness), taking the dogs for little walks, and I'm really hoping to get back into the gym next week (very carefully, of course).  It's crazy how out of shape I feel after just two months of falling off the wagon.

I took this last week in Florida when I was 12 weeks.  I wasn't expecting to have this much of a bump so soon!

As we continue along this journey, I'm looking forward to sharing it with you! From prenatal exercising, to pregnancy eating and cravings, to big purchases for baby, I'm hoping to post as often as possible, in addition to trying to get back to posting the normal, non-pregnancy content as well.  But I've got baby on the brain, so we'll see how that goes. : )

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