Friday, May 6, 2016

We've Arrived!

We left Little Rock a few minutes before 7 am this morning and pulled into Lawton, Oklahoma, our new city of residence, at around 1:30 pm.  As soon as we arrived, we parked at a church so I could feed Liesl and change her diaper, then started driving around to get a feel of the neighborhoods before contacting a rental company about where we would like to live.  Although it was not much fun to go straight to house hunting after being in the car for a bajillion hours (especially with a baby who was beyond frustrated about us buckling her back into her car seat for the hundredth time in the past two days), I'm glad we got right to it.  When we did go by a property management office later in the afternoon, all but one of the houses we were interested in were already rented or unavailable.  We're going first thing in the morning to check out the only house in our price range that has a fenced-in backyard for the doggies and is in a neighborhood that seems safe.  Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly and we'll know where we're going to be living for the next six months by tomorrow afternoon!  I'll let you know how it goes!  For now, I'm going to settle into this big, comfy hotel bed and try to catch up on some sleep.  Thanks for checking in!

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